Thursday, April 22, 2010

macro oh macro~

errr. hello? anybody there? boleh tanya something tak? mane tempat yg boleh jerit kuat-kuat gila-gila babi-babi eh? kalau jerit sekarang ni, shadows dgn sykes pun boleh kalah.

tension ah macro tadi. aini da bg tau apa yg keluar semalam. tapi aku dok main psp je. pastu time exam sibuk pandang-pandang orang lain. bajet concern sangat la en. bodoh ahhh. malam ni tak boleh main psp dah. kalau boleh kau buang je terus psp kau tu arep oii.

esok exam academic skills. eh, study skills. ke academic study? tah la aku pn confuse nk panggil apa. but still, u go online and facebooking. wateff la arep? haihh kau ni. hopefully dapat duduk sebelah orang yg aku kenal la esok. kalau tak terpaksa la ambil berat pasal org lain lagi. macam bodoh tau tak. -___-"

btw, MUET is just around the corner. my group is anis afiqah, arvindran, amirul hafizul. not so bad. hehe. not so bad kepala hotak kau. kang kena rejam padan muka. anis tu da la garang. haha sorry anis but its true. jangan hentam aku nanti eh. give some mercy. :)

so thats for now. can't post more. later on okay? bye. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


so next week is gonna be a real real war (i really mean it tho)
mid-term examinations

and also MUET
holy fuck

but yeah.
after all this craps over, i'll be heading home to see her
its been a long fucking time since i see her
standing ovation for you ariff

by the way, its just a few months left
and i'll be missing this sacred place called Muadzam Shah

but that's only for a few weeks
because i'll be back here
for another three awful/awesome years for the degree program
big clap for you ariff, big clap

ohh ya
why the fuck do i post in english?
its MUET mood guys
come on dohh korang

well that's for today
do wait for the next post